

时间:2021-04-22 03:23:54 来源于:久昂



中国GMP(2010版)附录一 第九章 消毒

第四十四条 应按照操作规程对洁净区进行必要的清洁和消毒。一般情况下,所采用消毒剂的种类应多于一种。为及时发现是否出现耐受菌株及其蔓延情况,应定期进行环境监测。紫外线杀菌效力有限,不能用以替代化学消毒剂。


EU GMP 附录一


Where disinfectants are used, more than one type should be employed. Monitoring should be undertaken regularly in order to detect the development of reisitant strains.



FDA 行业指南:无菌加工生产的无菌药品—现行的生产质量管理规范(cGMP)


Routinely used disinfectants should be effective against the normal microbial vegetative flora recovered from the facility.  Many common disinfectants are ineffective against spores.  For example, 70 percent isopropyl alcohol is ineffective against Bacillus spp. spores.  Therefore, a sound disinfectant program also includes a sporicidal agent, used according to a written schedule and when environmental data suggest the presence of sporeforming organisms.



USP <1072>消毒剂和防腐剂

The development of microbial resistance to antibiotics is a well-described phenomenon. The development of microbial resistance is less likely, as disinfectants are more powerful biocidal agents than antibiotics and are
applied in high concentrations against low populations of microorganisms, so the selective pressure for the development of resistance is less profound.
微生物对抗生素产生耐受性的形成是一个很好描述的现象。 但微生物对消毒剂的耐受性却不太可能,因为消毒剂是一种比抗生素杀灭能力更强的一种试剂,并且应使用高浓度来抑制少量通常不能活跃生长的微生物。


PDA TR 70  无菌生产设施的清洁消毒程序原理

For many years there has been a great debate on the subject of the possible development of resistance of microorganisms to sanitizers, disinfectants, and sporicides. Concerns for the possible resistance of organisms to
these products are based on a theoretical relationship to resistance found with antibiotics.


To date, there is no conclusive published test data proving such development of resistance by organisms to these agents. Resistance to antibiotics is usually acquired through modification of a single gene (or acquisition of a single gene) that blocks the very specific action of the antibiotic. The antimicrobial agents typically employed in clean rooms continue to be effective because they have numerous effects on a number of aspects of cellular physiology. This means that multiple mutations would be required in a short period of time (e.g., five-minute contact time) with exposure to low numbers of cells typically found in a clean room to overcome their detrimental effects. As such,
resistance of a cell to agents used in the disinfection process would be highly unlikely given the environmental conditions and low cell numbers.

Based on this, the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries have moved away from the rotation of two disinfecting agents. This formerly common practice led to high residue levels and subordinate efficacy performance.
Today, most firms use a system whereby a disinfectant is rotated with a sporicide to more effectively reduce the bioburden levels. The rotation of a disinfectant with a sporicide is superior to the rotation of multiple disinfectants.
If desired, the sole use of a sporicidal product that has proven efficacy can be implemented without a rotation. If used on a routine basis, the sporicide should destroy the level of contamination necessary to assure acceptable
environmental conditions.


However, the use of sporicidal agents alone is discouraged due to their inherent corrosive nature.

All rotation systems should be evaluated via the use of area classification, environmental monitoring data, and/or risk assessment.


2010年版 GMP疑难问题解答(CFDA高级研修学院)

















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